Friday, December 03, 2004


Another day down

Well, I don't really think this trip will ever end. All we seem to do is fall further behind schedule. Today we got part of the sampling, surveying, and wiring done at one of the two lakes we were to do today. Fortunately for me, Ken and I got our stuff done. It wasn't quite as cold today and I was comfortable all day long rather than cooling off slowly as the day went on. Well sampling was lame, we have this big auger that we drill into the ice with but it takes forever. Here's Shane and Loda drilling into the lake. The committe is checking out the results. The darn dissolved oxygen probe took 45 minutes to equilibriate. That's plain crazy.
Lake Sampling

So, the weather warmed up a little (15 degrees warmer in the wind chill and 5 degrees warmer in the regular temperature ) but as you can see it's still chilly if you're out there all day. The only time it's cold is when you have to face the wind or take your gloves off for an extended period of time, stuff like that. Here's I am looking frosty:
Self Portrait

Well, we'll see how Saturday goes. We're traveling to Alpine tomorrow. It's only 30 miles away but we're flying since they haven't made the ice roads yet.

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