Tuesday, December 07, 2004


Scary Beasts

One of the Sunday morning highlights was everyone being frightened by a red fox. Early in the day Braden, Shane, Loda, and I were drilling holes and doing water chemistry when we saw this unknown animal coming up fast on us. We'd been hearing all week "Watch out for the polar bears..." and "What, no shotgun?" and it was first thing in the morning so we were keeping an eye open when out of nowhere this animal came running towards us. Shane thought it was a wolverine and we all got a little on the nervous side. Culiminating in Braden and I hitting the road by snow machine until he came close enough for us to see it was only a fox (that has rabies of course but details...). So, that got our morning going in a big way. The rest of the morning was Shane downplaying his excitement and that makes for good TV, too.
(it's the speck on the right... didn't bring a telephoto since I didn't want to see any wildlife... brilliant plan...)

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