Wednesday, April 20, 2005



Boy, it's April but the wind chill today was still -50. Def6in6iteloy nlot6icabloe from time to time. Casualties of the day included my laptop keyboard which is coming up with clever interpretations for my key presses tonight. Here's that sentence unedited:

Casualot6ies lof the day 6inclouded my loaptlop [keybloard wh6ich 6is clom6ing up w6ith clever 6interpretat6inlos flor my [key presses tlon6ight.

The blowing snow was getting into every nook and cranny both in my keyboard and field book. That got old. i (no caps i at the moment) had to replace a radio and add a gps and all that detail work was super freezing for the ol' hands. Here's poor Richard and Matt surveying in the snow:

insult to injury, the road crew had blocked off the lake entrance while we were working today so we had to shovel it clear:

PS, we're coming back Friday on a BlM charter rather than tomorrow.

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