Thursday, January 26, 2006


Coldest Auroras ever

It was 40 something below last night, -45 at the moment, but, the aurora was putting on a good show so I headed out around midnight and took some pictures until the camera froze. Not the best but definitely the coldest pictures I've ever taken. Perhaps it's time for another shot of the thermometer for posterity. Anyway, things were pretty laid back and I was ready to head back in (took me a while to get on enough clothes to head out so I missed one show) when it finally kicked back up again. Would have been a good night for a wider lens...

hmmm...bob, I recall seeing an Aurora at the Chatanika Lodge when their outside thermometer shows -74...of course, it a high tech thermometer from Freddies. Talking abouot Freddie's...their big sign thermometer read -63 that night (have a picture :)
Are you posting any pics from AGU??
Hi Kim,
That's cool. Yeah, it was more like coldest ones I had the camera out for. Shoot, been a while since it's been that cold up here. According to our station out in Caribou Poker Creeks it was getting pretty close to -60 last week though just not in town. Yeah, I brought my camera to AGU but didn't really take any picures. It pretty much stayed in the hotel room the whole time. Maybe next year... saw your satellite came home a few days back though that's cool.
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