Monday, March 27, 2006


Riding to Work

Over the weekend I decided there'd be nothing trashier than riding one of those segway deals to work for a few days. The thought of not getting off between my house and my office door (go through the handicap door downstairs and then take the elevator up) really cracked me up. So, I tried to rent one over the weekend. It's such a bummer, the dealer's in Anchorage and doesn't really do this sort of thing:

Thanks for enquiring about Segway rentals. Unfortunately, I'm not able to offer these types of rentals at the moment. You are, of course, welcome to come down to Anchorage and try a Segway out... I usually have a Segway XT and a Segway i180 available for demos. If I can answer any questions concerning Segway use, please feel free to ask.

So, sadly, this won't be me:

Dude! that is so totally your style! The thought of you motoring around Fairbanks...
Yeah I think it'd beat the pants of walking to work at least for a few days (can't imagine buying one but the novelty factor is waaay up). Once I began investigating I discovered they make off road ones, too. That would crack me up even more. I could ride the bike trails to work once I move up to the West Ridge of campus and so I'd be duking it out with horses and bikes on the trails on the way home probably. Let the good times roll.
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