Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Melt that Fat!

Wouldn't you like to think with a title like this it's a satirous diet book:
French Women Don't Get Fat

Yeah, I could be rich if I could just figure out how to complete a 200 page motivational book written around my proven weight-loss system: walking with 40 pounds of dumbbells in your backpack. You have to walk anyway so why not wreck your back in the process (plus let's not forget, lose weight). Then you don't even have to eat better. It's not seven minute abs but maybe it will capture the imagination of the nation. I'll market it to the conservative family man looking to drop a few LBs and yet appear rustic and old fashioned in the process. Yoga? Step? No, that's all for panzies and girly-men. If the good lord had wanted us to bend like that stretching mats would grow on trees people.

girly men? you haven't been listening to governer arnolds speaches have ya? I might add that triple digit temps help as well.The weight loss I mean. What kind of fool raised in sitka straps on his pack and heads out for a weekend of hiking when it's 103? Don't answer that.
Yeah I know, I could care less about that dude. I just figure if I'm going to cater this market I should adopt the terminology. hiking with 103 temps, shooot, load the pack with 5 gallons of water!
It's in the 80s today and the debate is about whether or not to go to the hot springs. Ahh summer.
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