Friday, August 11, 2006



Last Sunday we went canoeing with Abby and Miriam (Jessie's cool friends from down south). Pretty fun times afloat even though we were just cruising past the Fairbanks residential areas. It was a first canoe trip for Matilda, too. She dug it like crazy:

Having another opportunity to be out on the water after the near misadventure back in June gave time to go over a few more strokes. That was pretty fun.

But really, we all had a blast except for when we tried to go up Noyes Slough which looks like a pretty nasty part of the river. Glad not to have to worry about living up that channel. But in any case, everybody had fun. Here's Miriam and Abby in the other canoe:

Towards the end it was pretty much the Matilda show. After being totally wound up most of the trip she went to a sleep for a bit and then followed up with chasing a duck.

Pretty exciting time. We got close enough to the duck that she dove in to swim after it, loving every minute. I was loving that handle on the back of her little lifejacket. Pulled her out of the water like I was picking up a small carry-on bag at the airport. So, she ended the day on top and was totally working it once we got back to shore.

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