Monday, September 04, 2006


Mixing it up a bit

Kind of off topic for here but there's a fascinating article out from the New Yorker about an old Al Qaeda dude in the witness protection program.
New Yorker Article

It's all pretty interesting (I wonder if he was the dude that led to the missle attack on Sudan in the 90s) but a couple of the lighter moments include the guy telling a policeman that he knows Osama Bin Laden in order to get out of a speeding ticket and complaining to his FBI protectors about not being able to have multiple wives.

Other interesting things of the day, finished reading this book about the amish over the weekend. Pretty interesting read as you may have possibly heard:
Rumspringa: to be or not to be Amish

And another odd link I came across while looking for the title of that book (you'd think I'd remember since I finished last night but I was putting an h on the end of 'rumspringa'...
The physics crackpot index

Gooood times.

Did you read the book we loaned you yet by Richard Baer about the CIA?

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