Monday, October 01, 2007


Time for a summer recap

Well, it's been a while hasn't it.... Yeah. To busy soaking up the sun and hanging out outside. Well, big news....

... I held a baby and it didn't scream. That doesn't happen every day. That's Morgan, Jeff and Loda's fresh new baby. Who has the best diaper covers you've ever seen!
So, summer's finally over. We're totally ready for it. I've been all over this summer. Nome was the usual highlight (working on my deviled ham and celery sandwich here from back in July):

But we saw some cool stuff out camping around the interior. Check out this monster mushroom:

Yeah, so, a pretty fun summer, plenty of posts to follow down below. I think I'll start things off with a typical scene, the TSA doing a crossword and chatting up the alaska airlines clerks. Ah, makes me feel nostalgic already:

bob! can't find yer email address but i thought you'd appreciate this article:
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